Saturday, September 18, 2010


DAY 10!!!

Without FB and coffee. I really really really really really want my coffee, but for FB, I found that it's not really necessary. I mean, I don't really have the urge to open it. I do miss contacting my friends who most are in Canada. So far I have been texting and emailing them. Wow, it's like I'm back in time when Friendster was not even existed. It'll be nice if I have Hedwig, don't you think?

My last several posts are bland eh? No pictures. Been vewy vewy lazy...

I put one pic here though, it's the book my uncle had brought with him from London. As most English books here are with the price of a rocket launching to the space, I asked him if he can get me some books when he's visiting. Got Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, The Other Boleyn Girl, Jane Austen Book Club and....the Knitting Club?? Should keep me busy for a while. Did I mention I am reading Harry Potter? 3rd one. I never really liked it when it first came out, but now I can see why people are madly in love with the series. 

Favorite line from HP 3, from Ron, "Should I make tea?" "It's what my mum always do whenever somebody is unhappy" LOOOOOL

Uggggggggggggh. Dreading for Tuesday's interview Y________Y

Ooooh! Found a fantastic ciabatta recipe from Kitchen Hack blog. Maybe I will try it soon. Dying to eat real bread. Not those supermarket bread.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Standing Still

I don't know why in my whole life up until now, I never really want anything. I feel disappointed a bit if I don't win something, but that's all. Then I am 26 years old. No job, no direction. A little light however, have appeared.

I do believe now that I will make a great teacher. For once, I am going to give it a full try. I can just imagine a beaming eyes of students dying to learn something new, putting their trust on me. I can do this...I wish there's Jillian Michaels to kick my butt.

In one of the interviews they asked me what my achievements are. My, that was one big TKO.
There is no such thing as too late right? Many people stay in the shadows, they survive. Many people change change careers too. It's difficult, but not impossible.

Well, I am going to give it a try. If I fail, I just need to get back up again. Until somebody out there gives me a chance. I hope when everything is said and done, more is done than said..

Moving onto a lighter topic, DAY 6! Without Facebook and coffee. I hope my lack of motivation to do anything is not because of the two. lol

Can you tell that I am bipolar? It's not a sin. I think it's the new normal.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I. Need. To. Super. Poke.

So, day 4 and 5 continues without Facebook AND coffee.
The need to superpoke itches me... as well as to stalk almost 150 friends I have there. Okay, don't get braggy about having 5000 friends in FB okay? I have 150, even with that I lose contact with most. 
The point is, I miss looking at pictures, at stupid status people post or posting interesting oooorr pathetic status myself. Sigh.

Am entertaining myself with a glass of cold syrup+water with cognac. Wasn't really sure how to drink cognac, never had one before. But this one is a vintage, and I'm loving it. Totally.

Is glancing upon my mum's FB considered cheating?


Sunday, September 12, 2010

9/11: Whoever you are, where ever you are

Tonight I saw "After the Towers Fell" in Discovery channel. I was covered in chill the whole hour of watching it. It is beyond horrible. 10,000 people died in that eerie day, half were never found. 

How can the planes which struck the top of the buildings had an after effect of pancake destruction of the whole two towers? Yes, I watched Zeitgeist, and it does make me re-think what actually happened that day. Who did it, and why. 

I know most Americans now think that Islam, jihads, Osama bin Laden and all those are evil. But from what I perceived, it's just evil, no religion is involved here. People should realize that. It is the humans. Religion is just a mask. Ask questions, don't just gulp everything you are told. Watch Zeitgeist, it may not hold the real truth, but you may stop blaming the wrong people who've done you no wrong.

All I know, is that who ever did 9/11 and where ever they are, I curse them to have no moment of peace in their life. May they never reincarnate and die of miserable and agonizing pain.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

21 Days Without Facebook

and coffee.

I have challenged myself to be FB-free for the next 21 days (make it 19.5 now). To add to that, no favorite instant Torabika Cappucino or any other black gold through my throat.
What have I gotten myself into...?

Here's a glimpse on the past 2.5 days have been:

Barely feeling it. At my late grandma's house, helping parents gardening. Yuck. Have to do a garden cleaning. It looks more of a rain-forest than a garden..
I guess FB is not as addictive as cigarettes.
Right? ...

Still gardening. Ugh, my lazy bum is not up to par with this pot-moving, re-planting, cutting to small pieces, fire ants, and other disgusting insect-like creatures crawling on the ground, leaves and barks. Yuck. Still hate gardening.
Though it looks like a real garden by now. As little as I have contributed to it.
Facebook? What facebook?
Coffee however... growl, snarl and ... lowering my beaten down face to the primordial need for coff-ffeee.
But, no coffee.. not until 19.5 more days.
Forecast of more tea consumption.

DAY 3 (or 2.5, it's still 7 pm as I wrote this)
Hey, I may be famous for this! 21 days without Facebook yow! I mean, who does that? Some loser who has no job and failed to launch perhaps. Uhm wait, that's me.
Aanyway, I decided well. That is, to still have internet. I am insatiable for the need of knowledge, even if it's just to know whether Paul Walker still single or not. Two, I think it's important to channel my needs of attention by still checking my emails and doing this blog.
I sound so pathetic.

to be continued...