I have just seen the Japanese movie Hachi-ko Monogatari.
It reminds me how badly I want to visit the Sakura country. However, the reality bites my derrierre with ehem, no money.
Let's imagine. When I have enough money, what should I do? Should I just go right then? Or should I just settle down, buy a house first, and other things, then go?
Have I told you that I don't like dealing with decision making? Alas, life is full of it, lol.
I think I will just go right when I have the money, with a bit of extra of course. Since I do need something to come back to, ^_^
You never know what can happen. What if the next week after I get the money I die? Right?
That's settled then! I will go to Japan as soon as I have enough money to do a trip, spend some on food and omiyage.
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